AI in Finance and Banking

We explore in turn how combinations of innovative business models and AI practices are revolutionizing financial services and institutions.

We address the benefits of AI implementation, while offering insights into the quantitative and qualitative benchmarks set by financial institutions.

We examine the ongoing challenges ranging from data quality, to concerns over explainability and regulatory compliance.

Our case studies provide real-world insights into how AI impacts the top and bottom lines.

This exclusive BAI Executive Report has been written for future and current technical and operational managers in addressing one fundamental question,

“Where and how can you apply AI today in finance and banking to promote efficiency, informed decision-making, and customer-centricity?”

This study is structured to help participants explore the vision and themes that will be developed in the BAI/ZHAW Summer School on AI in Finance and Banking. The report provides foundational knowledge on the subject, documents the learning objectives, introduces key concepts, methodologies, and technologies, prepares the session’s technical workshops, and can serve as a reference for the students before, during and after the session. 

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The Business Analytics Institute improves organizational decision-making through the application of data science. The BAI offers Exec and Corp educational modules, applied research, as well as coaching and mentoring services to help both confirmed managers and management students transform their data into impactful decisions for their organizations and their customers.

Our customer references include Accenture, Berger-Levrault, Cegid, E&Y, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, NationBuilder, SAS, Semdee, as well as several universities, business schools, public administrations and SMBs in the US, Europe and Asia.

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The Business Analytics Institute
+33 (0)771.112.255 - +1 (818) 877-4427 - @DSign4Analytics