Data Ethics in Banking and Finance

The BAI/ZHAW Summer School - July 3-12, 2020

The BAI/ZHAW Summer School - July 3-12, 2020

Data Ethics in banking and finance isn’t a question of establishing a code of right and wrong, but of setting the boundaries of acceptable business practice in light of new technologies, regulations, and customer needs. This core module of the BAI/ZHAW Summer School is designed to help participants discuss and debate the proper balance between human and machine intelligence. Will you be joining in on the fun?

This symposium will explore the ethical challenges of working with data in Banking and Finance in three specific workshops. A bank manager’s day job isn’t behind the computer, but in front of his or her customers and colleagues. As artificial intelligence initiatives are introduced into key processes in the bank’s front, middle and back offices, stakeholder concerns fall into four broad categories: fairness, accountability, transparency and explainability.

In the module’s first workshop, participants will explore and discuss the specific challenges facing the industry of developing human potential, dealing the consequences of implicit bias, encouraging the evolution of managerial responsibility, and addressing the innovator’s paradox. In the second workshop, participants will analyze the current digital practices and projects in one of four case studies. Finally, in the third session, students will apply our proprietary framework of “Trust by Design” in designing a process for future digital practices based on meaningful dialogue between systems engineers, managers and customers.

Applied Data Science in Fintech

AI and the Transformation of Banking and Finance